Wednesday, 19 August 2009

The ten IKEA commandments

Today, news reported that the bible is no longer the most published book on earth, but that it in fact has been outnumbered in number of copies by the IKEA catalogue.

This calls for ten brand new commandments. The new ten IKEA commandments:

1) Thou shalt not buy assembled furniture, nor shalt thy buy furniture elsewhere.
2) Thou shalt always count thy screws before commencing assembly.
3) Thou shalt eat Swedish meatballs while thy shoppeth.
4) Thou shalt not cut ahead in line.
5) Thou shalt praise the brilliance of the cam screw.
6) Thou shalt be allowed to return thy damaged on delivery products.
7) Thou shalt not expect to be given a time of delivery.
8) Thou shalt make use of the children's playroom while thy shoppeth.
9) Thou shalt secure thy furniture to the wall in order to avoid toppling, and thou cannot sue IKEA in case of non-compliance, neener, neener.
10) The Allen Wrench shalt be the object of nightly worship.

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